
It's Nice to Meet You


Is anybody out there?

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a few months now. I'm a little late on the scene, I know, but better late than never, right? 

I've wondered these last few months what, if I were to blog, my angle would be. There are so many lovely things in life, it's hard to choose just one aspect about which to write. So, I've decided I won't have one narrow topic. Rather, my writing here will have to do with any of the sweet and simple pleasures of life. This will be a place for me to practice the craft of writing, and a place to explore ideas and inspirations, to pause for a moment and enjoy the view. While the topics may vary, most posts here will have something to do with travel, nature, crafting, family, or food. Actually, they'll have a lot to do with food. I hope you'll join the conversation.

In light my sort-of mission statement, I'd like to share one of my favorite poems with you. It's by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and it's entitled "First Fig."

First Fig

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-
It gives a lovely light.

Fitting, isn't it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, I'm here.
    Welcome to the blogephere, J&H.

    I can tell right from the start that your's will be my most favorite blog ever.

    So, write well and write often.
    Lovely photo in the banner, by the way.

    (Sorry about the above delete...wondered what would happen if I clicked on it)

  3. LOVE it! This is so fitting and so you and wonderful and I love that poem too! Yay! I can't wait to read your updates.

  4. Hi there! I'm glad you're here. Come back often.

  5. I'm so excited about this! Can't wait to read!

  6. I'm excited too! I have you bookmarked on my MAC. =) love ya!
