
Hello, Africa!

We're You've Got Mail fans.

My mom and I are, anyway.

Graeme humored me once and watched it with me.

My sisters, who have seen it many times but perhaps only half as many as my mom and I, roll their eyes when we integrate lines into our conversation.

But we love it. We love it so much that a few years ago, we wore out the dvd and had to buy another one.

We play it in the background when we cook or do crafty things together. We love the quirky lines, the beboppy music, the adorable backdrop of Kathleen's bookstore and apartment, and the predictable but nonetheless happy ending. And, of course, we love the allusions to Pride and Prejudice.

So, when I stepped onto the beach in Bunbury last Wednesday, the first thing I did was to shout a hello to Africa. Then, I dipped my toes into the Indian Ocean for the very first time!

The Indian Ocean

Cuttlefish bones were scattered all over the sand

Graeme on the Rocks

My first dip in the Indian Ocean.


Another cuttlefish bone

A Jazzy Lighthouse

Oh! It was such a nice morning walking along that beach. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. And if you haven't seen You've Got Mail, watch it. I know you'll love it.


  1. Doesn't have quite the same ring as Hello New Jersey, but I understand the sentiment.

    You got me to laugh aloud with that last line there. Well done.

  2. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!! I too love You've Got Mail- I would love to work in her store- so quaint! I only have the VHS version though, how silly is that! =)

  3. B--Now that I think about it, I think it was a VHS that we wore out. Then we bought a DVD.

    Lizzie, I'm pleased you picked up on the reference. AND that it made you laugh! : )

  4. I literally haven't read any blogs in 3 weeks, and I just caught up, and this is fabulous! Gorgeous pics, and I love your rural Oz experiences! I had a "roo are like deer" experience myself, walking through a park and seeing dozens of them too -- on my first day! It was amazing. So glad you're having such a great time!!!!! And I don't think I could be more jealous.

  5. We actually have purchased two YGM DVDs. The first went missing, yet the empty box remains.

    Here's a little spin to a favourite quip: This place is a nut-house, I'm going to your house where it's a tomb. (It's tempting sitting over there empty).

    Missing you, J&H.

  6. Thanks, Ben. We look forward to catching up with you guys when we get home in 20 days.

    Donna, I'm glad to hear you've emerged from the beginning of the school year busyness.

    Mom, make yourself at home.

  7. I laughed out loud at that last sentence too! Then laughed again when I read Liz's comment.

    (I heard that mom...)

  8. I love it that you both laughed! And I want to know what mom said.
